Donnerstag, 7. Mai 2009

.tales from the workshop pt. I

Da ich den unten stehenden Text schon vor ein paar Stunden auf Deutsch geschrieben habe, verlinke ich ihn einfach mal nur hier, denn er befindet sich auf meinem Schreibwerkstatt-Blog.
Und nein, meine Blogs über das Schreiben wandern nicht dahin ab, ich Cross-Poste sie nur ab und an, da ich nicht denke, dass alle Schreibwerkstatt Mitglieder überhaupt von meinem Blog hier wissen, einige aber Interesse an meinen Workshopgeschichten angemeldet haben.
Natürlich könnte ich es auch einfach kopieren, aber die schiere länge dieses Doppelposts würde wohl schon einige abschrecken ;)
Also, wenn Interesse besteht an meinem neusten Workshop-Bericht, einfach hier klicken oder den Englischen Teil lesen ;)

So, my workshop about writing for comics has been going for some weeks now. My assignments up to now:
1. Watch a silent movie (“Sunrise”)
2. Write one paragraph summery of the story
3. Write two paragraphs summery of the story
4. Write short character descriptons of the main characters

You should think all this would be no problem but I am kinda Miss Planless… As some might remember I started NaNoWriMo without a plot last year and did not had one until a few thousand words were written.
I’m just no planner if it comes to story writing. I write and wait what happens. If I have some ideas about the plot or some characters I write it down but I really don’t plan much further.

Of course there is a vague idea about the story or the characters but most I get to know while writing. It just works like this for me ‘though I know it doesn’t for many, many other writers.

Because of this I have some trouble right now because it’s required to know what will happen during my comic/graphic novel and how it will end.
Sadly I have no clue…
But I have Serena who helps me a lot!

In the beginning I really had no idea how to start because I’ve never written for a visual medium. I have lots and lots of ideas but how should I know which one works for a comic?
Serena’s answer was pretty simple: Which idea starts a movie in your head? And most importandly: Which idea feels right? Which one do you *want* to use?

So I chose an idea I wanted to write for some time. I just know some points of the plot and I know the main character because she also has a small part in my novel-project “Noir”.

Another challenge is the language since I decided to ignore my mother tounge and write the whole project in English from the beginning.
As you can see I am far from being perfect. ‘though I almost understand everything I hear or read it is still a very different thing to express myself in the right way since my vocabulary is not as broad as the one of a native English speaker.
The biggest problem is inventing certain terms. A few hours ago I wanted to find a fitting term for a person who guards the gates of hell and one of my online dictionaries suggested “Hollander” :|
Does that mean the Neatherlands are hell? I quite liked Amsterdam so what does that say about me?

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